Thursday, August 29, 2013

Early Intervention (Coconut Banana French Toast)

Tommy was a late walker and talker. A few months ago his pediatrician recommended that we take Tommy to be evaluated by our state’s Early Intervention Program. Tommy qualified for physical, speech and occupational therapy. Initially I was a little embarrassed. I felt like I had somewhat failed as a mom and that I wasn't trying hard enough to teach Tommy to walk. It turns out he just wasn't ready. After a couple months of physical therapy, Tommy is now walking around like crazy and he no longer needs physical therapy.

Because of Tommy’s food allergies, he never had many of the common baby snacks like puffs and Baby Mum Mums. He loves food and he used to gobble up his food so quickly that he wouldn't chew. Anything with a firmer texture was just swallowed whole and while he never full on choked, sometimes it was a little scary. Tommy’s occupational therapist gave us tips on how to encourage chewing by giving Tommy things like dried mangoes and not giving him all his food at once.

Tommy’s occupational therapy now consists of a weekly group therapy/play group with other kids ages 2-3.  Each week they have a discovery activity, like playing in a large fishbowl, they sing and sign a song about animal noises, do a little craft and then have snack time. Snack time is a big part of the group since it helps the kids overcome any food aversions they have plus they learn how to use utensils.

Tommy’s occupational therapist is well aware of his food allergies and she coordinates the snacks with me so that she will either accommodate his allergies or I will provide an equivalent snack. One week his therapist said that they were going to have French Toast with maple syrup for snack. 

So that left me with the challenge of making a wheat, dairy, and egg free French Toast recipe within a couple of days. Thank goodness we finally had a bread recipe that you can actually slice. It turns out mashed bananas, coconut milk and cinnamon makes a delicious batter. Tommy LOVED the French Toast. 

It was a huge sense of accomplishment to make a delicious French Toast recipe that Tommy loves and I think tastes better than the traditional version. As my husband said, making a wheat, egg, and dairy free French Toast is like painting a masterpiece without being able to use one of the three primary colors. This victory has fueled my curiosity and drive to make more family recipes. 

And I think we've officially entered the “Sticky Kid” phase...

Coconut Banana French Toast

8 slices of bread
1 mashed banana
½ cup coconut milk
¼ tsp cinnamon
Coconut oil for cooking

Heat 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Whisk the mashed banana, coconut milk and cinnamon in a large bowl. Soak the bread in the milk mixture. When the pan is warm, add as many slices of bread to the pan as will easily fit without touching. Cook for approximately 3 minutes on each side or until browned. Continue cooking the rest of the bread adding more coconut oil as needed.  Slice into sticks and serve with maple syrup. The French Toast can easily be frozen and thawed in the microwave.


  1. This sounds so good! I'm totally making them for Brayden. Thanks for sharing all of these, I'm completely intrigued and can't wait for more!

  2. I love this!!! We are mostly gluten-free here, so these kinds of recipes are great :) I love how clean your recipes are. I'm glad you found something good and can share it with us! I would have never thought of using mashed banana in place of egg. Genius.
